Identify the sentence that uses a cause and effect relationship.(1 point)


For best results, bring the water to a boil before adding the pasta.
For best results, bring the water to a boil before adding the pasta.

Since the electricity was out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer melted.
Since the electricity was out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer melted.

Dogs are typically loud and active, while cats are usually quiet and sedentary.
Dogs are typically loud and active, while cats are usually quiet and sedentary.

As soon as I had brushed my teeth and combed my hair I put my favorite earrings on.

Since the electricity was out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer melted.

Since the electricity was out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer melted.

The sentence that uses a cause and effect relationship is: "Since the electricity was out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer melted."

To identify a cause and effect relationship, you should look for a sentence that presents a cause (an event or action that leads to something happening) and an effect (the result or consequence of that cause). In this case, the cause is the electricity being out for most of the day, and the effect is the ice cream in the freezer melting.