When treating a burn, you should apply ice for 5 minutes.(1 point)






When treating a burn, you should NOT apply ice for 5 minutes. Applying ice directly to a burn can actually cause more damage to the skin and prolong the healing process. Instead, you should follow the appropriate first aid guidelines for treating burns:

1. First, remove the source of the burn, such as moving away from a hot object or extinguishing flames.
2. Run cool water over the affected area for about 10-20 minutes. This helps to cool the burn and soothe the pain.
3. Avoid using ice or very cold water, as this can potentially damage the skin further.
4. Cover the burn with a sterile, non-stick dressing or a clean cloth to protect it from infection.
5. Pain relief medication, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can be taken if necessary to manage discomfort.
6. Seek medical attention for burns that are severe, cover a large area of the body, or are causing significant pain or blistering.

Remember, it is important to follow proper first aid steps when treating burns to minimize further damage and promote healing. If you are unsure about how to treat a burn or if it requires medical attention, it is always best to consult a healthcare professional.
