Antifederalists and Federalists debated about the language in the U.S. Constitution. Which of the following were major viewpoints of the Antifederalists? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

They believed that a strong, central government was crucial to the success of the nation.
They believed that a strong, central government was crucial to the success of the nation.

They believed that the Constitution gave the president too much power.
They believed that the Constitution gave the president too much power.

They believed that states should have more power.
They believed that states should have more power.

They believed that there should be two equally powerful branches of government.

They believed that the Constitution gave the president too much power.

They believed that states should have more power.

To determine which viewpoints were held by the Antifederalists in the debate over the U.S. Constitution, let's examine the options provided:

1. They believed that a strong, central government was crucial to the success of the nation.
This option is not a viewpoint of the Antifederalists. The Antifederalists actually believed in limiting the power of the central government and giving more autonomy to the states. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

2. They believed that the Constitution gave the president too much power.
This option aligns with the viewpoint of the Antifederalists. They were concerned that the Constitution granted excessive powers to the president, which could potentially lead to the rise of a monarchy or a tyrannical ruler. Therefore, this option is correct.

3. They believed that states should have more power.
This option also aligns with the viewpoint of the Antifederalists. They advocated for stronger state governments, as they believed that a centralized power structure would overshadow the rights and interests of individual states. Therefore, this option is correct.

4. They believed that there should be two equally powerful branches of government.
This option is not a major viewpoint of the Antifederalists. The Antifederalists were more concerned with limiting the power of the central government rather than advocating for an equal distribution of power between branches. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

In conclusion, the major viewpoints of the Antifederalists were that the Constitution gave the president too much power and that states should have more power. Therefore, the correct options are:

- They believed that the Constitution gave the president too much power.
- They believed that states should have more power.

The major viewpoints of the Antifederalists were:

- They believed that the Constitution gave the president too much power.
- They believed that states should have more power.