Determine if the sentence contains a misplaced or dangling modifier, or if the sentence is correct.

Studying in the library, my phone suddenly rang loudly, disturbing the quiet atmosphere.
(1 point)
O misplaced modifier
• dangling modifier
О correct

misplaced modifier

Misplaced modifier

To determine if the sentence contains a misplaced or dangling modifier, we need to first understand what these terms mean.

A misplaced modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that is placed too far from the word or words it modifies or describes, creating confusion or ambiguity. It can modify a word other than the one intended, leading to a distorted meaning or awkward sentence structure.

A dangling modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that does not grammatically or logically relate to any other part of the sentence. It leaves the reader uncertain about what or who is being modified.

Now, let's analyze the sentence:

"Studying in the library, my phone suddenly rang loudly, disturbing the quiet atmosphere."

In this sentence, the introductory phrase "Studying in the library" seems to be modifying "my phone." However, it appears that the intention is for the phrase to modify the subject of the sentence, which is not clear here. This is an example of a misplaced modifier because it is placed too far from the word it is trying to modify.

Therefore, the sentence contains a misplaced modifier.