Which option describes a neutral connotation?(1 point)a good feeling associated with a word A a good feeling associated with a word B a feeling associated with a word that is neither good or bad

C a feeling associated with a word that is opposite of its meaning
D a bad feeling associated with a word

C a feeling associated with a word that is neither good or bad

The option that describes a neutral connotation is C, a feeling associated with a word that is neither good nor bad.

The option that describes a neutral connotation is option C: a feeling associated with a word that is neither good nor bad.

To determine the connotation of a word, you need to consider the emotions and associations it evokes. A positive connotation signifies a favorable or pleasant meaning, while a negative connotation suggests an unfavorable or unpleasant meaning. On the other hand, a neutral connotation refers to a word that lacks strong emotional associations, neither positive nor negative.

To identify the connotation of a word, you can consider its context, usage, and general perception. Words that are objective or descriptive often have a neutral connotation, as they are devoid of strong emotional undertones. Additionally, words that are commonly associated with facts, statistics, or neutral subjects tend to have a neutral connotation as well.

By analyzing the overall sentiment and emotional impact of a word, you can determine whether it has a positive, negative, or neutral connotation.