This type of government created unrest with its harshness.(1 point)





Mandate of Heaven


To identify the type of government that created unrest with its harshness, we need to understand the characteristics and principles of each option provided.

1. Legalism: Legalism is a political philosophy that promotes strict adherence to laws and rules. It emphasizes the need for a strong central government with strict control over its citizens through harsh punishments and rewards. While Legalism aims to create order and stability, its harshness and lack of flexibility often generate discontent and unrest among the people.

2. Confucianism: Confucianism is a philosophical and ethical system that focuses on the importance of moral values, virtue, and social harmony. It emphasizes respect for authority, hierarchical relationships, and the cultivation of personal and social virtues. While Confucianism played a significant role in shaping government and society in ancient China, it is not typically associated with creating unrest due to its emphasis on harmony and social order.

3. Daoism: Daoism, also known as Taoism, advocates a natural way of life by living in harmony with the Dao, which can be understood as the underlying principle that governs all things. Daoism promotes simplicity, spontaneity, and non-intervention in the affairs of others. While Daoism challenges conventional political structures, it does not inherently create unrest with its teachings.

4. Mandate of Heaven: The Mandate of Heaven is a concept in Chinese political philosophy. It suggests that the ruler's right to govern is granted by the divine or cosmic forces, and it can be withdrawn if the ruler fails to govern justly and effectively. While the concept of the Mandate of Heaven can lead to unrest when a ruler is deemed corrupt or incapable, it is not a form of government itself.

Based on the provided options, the type of government that created unrest with its harshness is Legalism.

The correct answer is Legalism. Legalism was a political philosophy in ancient China that emphasized strict adherence to laws and harsh punishment for any violation. This type of government created unrest due to its strict and unforgiving nature, leading to a lack of personal freedom and a sense of oppression among the people.