When you hold a textbook and a pencil, why does the textbook feel heavier than the pencil?

(1 point)
• The textbook has a stronger attraction to Earth.
• The textbook has less mass than the pencil.
• You can grip the pencil with more strength.
• Your hand repels the textbook with less force.

The textbook feels heavier than the pencil because it has more mass than the pencil.

The correct answer is: The textbook has more mass than the pencil.

When you hold a textbook and a pencil, the textbook feels heavier than the pencil because it has more mass. Mass is the measure of the amount of matter an object contains, and objects with greater mass have a stronger gravitational pull towards Earth. Since the textbook has more mass than the pencil, it feels heavier in your hand.

When you hold a textbook and a pencil, the textbook may feel heavier than the pencil due to a combination of factors. Let's go through each option and see which one is most likely to be the reason:

1. The textbook has a stronger attraction to Earth: The weight of an object is determined by the force of gravity acting on it. Both the textbook and the pencil experience the same gravitational force since they are on Earth's surface. Therefore, this option is not likely to be the reason why the textbook feels heavier.

2. The textbook has less mass than the pencil: Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. If the textbook has less mass than the pencil, it would actually feel lighter rather than heavier. So, this option is not correct.

3. You can grip the pencil with more strength: The amount of force you apply when holding an object can affect your perception of its weight. If you grip the pencil more tightly than the textbook, it may feel lighter in comparison. However, this explanation is about your perception, not the actual weight of the objects.

4. Your hand repels the textbook with less force: This option does not contribute to the feeling of weight. The force of repulsion depends on the contact between your hand and the object, but it does not affect the force of gravity acting on the objects.

To summarize, the most likely reason why the textbook feels heavier than the pencil is due to the difference in their actual weight. The textbook has more mass and thus more gravitational attraction to the Earth, causing it to feel heavier when held.