Ramon makes 33 donuts every 7 hours. Using a unit rate, determine how many whole donuts he would make in 5 hours

To determine the unit rate, we need to find out how many donuts Ramon makes in 1 hour.

Ramon makes 33 donuts every 7 hours, so he makes 33/7 = <<33/7=4.714285714285714>>4.71 donuts per hour.

To find out how many whole donuts Ramon would make in 5 hours, we multiply the unit rate by 5: 4.71 donuts/hour * 5 hours = <<4.71*5=23.55>>23.55 donuts.

Since Ramon can't make a fraction of a donut, he would make 23 whole donuts in 5 hours. Answer: \boxed{23}.

To determine the number of whole donuts Ramon would make in 5 hours, we first need to calculate the unit rate.

The unit rate can be calculated by dividing the total number of donuts made by the total number of hours it took.

So, Ramon makes 33 donuts every 7 hours.

To find the unit rate, we can divide the total number of donuts (33) by the total number of hours (7):

33 ÷ 7 = 4.714285714285714

The unit rate is approximately 4.71 donuts per hour.

Now, we can use this unit rate to determine how many whole donuts he would make in 5 hours.

To do this, we multiply the unit rate (4.71 donuts per hour) by the number of hours (5):

4.71 donuts/hour × 5 hours = 23.55 donuts

Since we cannot have a fraction of a donut, Ramon would make approximately 23 whole donuts in 5 hours.

To find the number of donuts Ramon would make in 5 hours, we need to use the unit rate.

The unit rate is the number of donuts made per hour. In this case, Ramon makes 33 donuts every 7 hours.

To find the unit rate, we divide the number of donuts (33) by the number of hours (7):

Unit rate = 33 donuts / 7 hours

Simplifying this division gives us:

Unit rate = 4.71 donuts/hour (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, to find how many whole donuts Ramon would make in 5 hours, we can multiply the unit rate by the number of hours:

Number of donuts = Unit rate * Number of hours

Number of donuts = 4.71 donuts/hour * 5 hours

Number of donuts = 23.55 donuts

Since we are looking for the number of whole donuts, we can round down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, Ramon would make approximately 23 whole donuts in 5 hours.

step by step

Apologies for any confusion. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Find the unit rate: The unit rate is the number of donuts made per hour. In this case, Ramon makes 33 donuts every 7 hours. To find the unit rate, divide the number of donuts (33) by the number of hours (7):

Unit rate = 33 donuts / 7 hours
Unit rate = 4.71 donuts/hour (rounded to two decimal places)

2. Now that we have the unit rate, we can find the number of donuts Ramon would make in 5 hours. Multiply the unit rate by the number of hours:

Number of donuts = Unit rate * Number of hours
Number of donuts = 4.71 donuts/hour * 5 hours
Number of donuts = 23.55 donuts

3. Since we're looking for the number of whole donuts, we round down to the nearest whole number:

Ramon would make approximately 23 whole donuts in 5 hours.

Hope this clarifies the steps. Let me know if you need any further assistance!