The root spect means "see." Based on this knowledge, which is the most likely meaning of the word introspection? (1 point)


a positive feeling about a person
a positive feeling about a person

a dislike of certain colors
a dislike of certain colors

a careful examination of an argument
a careful examination of an argument

a close look at one's thoughts or emotions

a close look at one's thoughts or emotions

The most likely meaning of the word introspection, based on the root spect meaning "see," is a close look at one's thoughts or emotions.

To determine the most likely meaning of the word introspection based on the root "spect" meaning "see," we can break down the word into its parts. "Intro-" means inward or within, and "-spection" comes from the Latin word "spectare," which means to look or see.

Therefore, combining these parts, we can conclude that "introspection" refers to a close look or examination of one's thoughts or emotions. This meaning aligns with the root "spect" meaning "see" since it involves looking inward and examining one's own internal experiences.