What did the "leadership principle" mean? (1 point)

A. Every organization should have an absolute leader.

B.Leaders should adhere to a carefully drawn code of conduct

C.Germany should recruit leaders from its elite-the wealthy and well-educated.

D.Leaders should consult with those they led on a regular basis.

B. Leaders should adhere to a carefully drawn code of conduct

B. Leaders should adhere to a carefully drawn code of conduct.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the options and identify the most suitable explanation for the term "leadership principle."

Option A suggests that every organization should have an absolute leader. While this can be a perspective on leadership, it does not fully encompass the concept of the leadership principle.

Option B states that leaders should adhere to a carefully drawn code of conduct. This option relates more closely to the idea of a leadership principle, as it implies the importance of ethical behavior and following established guidelines.

Option C describes Germany recruiting leaders from its elite, the wealthy, and well-educated. Although this might be a method for selecting leaders, it does not encompass the leadership principle as a concept itself.

Option D suggests that leaders should regularly consult with those they lead. Although this is an important aspect of leadership, it does not fully capture the overarching concept of the leadership principle.

Based on the analysis of the options, option B, "Leaders should adhere to a carefully drawn code of conduct," seems to best represent the meaning of the leadership principle. This indicates that leaders should agree to and adhere to a set of guidelines or principles that govern their behavior and decision-making processes.