what is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 2.1 estimate the area to the hundredths place using 3.14

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 2πr, where r is the radius. Given that the radius is 2.1, the circumference can be calculated as:

C = 2π * 2.1
C ≈ 13.194

Therefore, the circumference of a circle with a radius of 2.1 is approximately 13.194 units.

To estimate the area of the circle using 3.14 as an approximation for π, we can use the formula A = πr^2. Substituting in the given radius:

A = 3.14 * (2.1)^2
A ≈ 13.854

Rounding to the hundredths place, the area of the circle is approximately 13.85 square units.

To find the circumference of a circle, you can use the formula:

Circumference = 2 * π * radius

Given that the radius of the circle is 2.1, we can substitute this value into the formula:

Circumference = 2 * 3.14 * 2.1

Simplifying the equation, we have:

Circumference = 6.28 * 2.1

Circumference = 13.188

So, the circumference of the circle with a radius of 2.1 is approximately 13.188.

To estimate the area of the circle, we can use the formula:

Area = π * radius^2

Substituting the radius (2.1) and the value of π (3.14) into the formula:

Area = 3.14 * (2.1)^2

Area = 3.14 * 4.41

Area = 13.8174

Rounding to the hundredths place, the estimated area of the circle is approximately 13.82.

To find the circumference of a circle, you can use the formula:

Circumference = 2 * π * radius

Given that the radius is 2.1, and using an approximation for π as 3.14, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Circumference = 2 * 3.14 * 2.1

Calculating this, we get:

Circumference ≈ 13.188

Therefore, the circumference of the circle with a radius of 2.1, considering π as approximately 3.14, is approximately 13.188.

Now, moving on to estimating the area of the circle using the same value of π:

The formula to find the area of a circle is:

Area = π * radius^2

Substituting the value of the radius (2.1) and approximating π as 3.14, we can calculate the area:

Area = 3.14 * 2.1^2

Simplifying this further, we have:

Area ≈ 3.14 * 4.41

Calculating this, we get:

Area ≈ 13.8414

Rounding to the hundredths place, the estimated area of the circle with a radius of 2.1, using π as approximately 3.14, is approximately 13.84.