The average person should drink ________ glasses of water each day, just to replace the water lost during normal daily activities.

(1 point)





The average person should drink 8-9 glasses of water each day, just to replace the water lost during normal daily activities.

The average person should drink 6-7 glasses of water each day, just to replace the water lost during normal daily activities.

To determine the average number of glasses of water a person should drink each day to replace the water lost during normal daily activities, we need to consider various factors such as age, gender, body weight, activity level, and climate. Generally, the commonly recommended guideline is to drink about 8-9 glasses of water per day.

However, it's important to note that this can vary depending on individual needs. Some sources might suggest a range of 6-7 glasses per day, while others may recommend 10-12 glasses. These guidelines take into account a combination of factors and may require adjustments based on personal circumstances.

Factors like physical activity, environmental conditions (heat and humidity), and health conditions such as pregnancy or breastfeeding can also influence water needs. Consulting with a healthcare professional is always advised to determine the appropriate amount of water for an individual's specific needs.