What is an opposing claim?(1 point)


facts that support a claim
facts that support a claim

a claim countering the author's claim
a claim countering the author's claim

a claim supporting the author's claim
a claim supporting the author's claim

an introduction to a claim

an introduction to a claim

The correct answer is:

a claim countering the author's claim

The correct answer is: a claim countering the author's claim.

To understand what an opposing claim is, it is important to first understand what a claim is. A claim is a statement or assertion that is made in an argument or debate. It is the main point or position being argued.

Now, an opposing claim is a claim that goes against or counters the author's original claim. It presents an alternative viewpoint or argument that challenges the validity or accuracy of the author's claim.

To identify an opposing claim, you need to carefully analyze the author's argument and look for statements or assertions that contradict or challenge the author's main claim. It is often useful to look for evidence or reasons provided by the opposing claim to support its counter-argument.

So, in summary, an opposing claim is a claim that counters or challenges the author's original claim in an argument or debate. To identify an opposing claim, carefully analyze the author's argument and look for statements that contradict or challenge the main claim.