Bryan is writing a short story and wants to come up with a more interesting word to replace cold. Which is the best resource? (1 point)

A thesaurus would be the best resource for Bryan to find a more interesting word to replace "cold" in his short story. A thesaurus provides synonyms and antonyms for words, allowing writers to expand their vocabulary and choose more descriptive and engaging words.

The best resource for finding a more interesting word to replace "cold" in Bryan's short story would be a thesaurus.

To find a more interesting word to replace "cold" in Bryan's short story, he can make use of a Thesaurus. A Thesaurus is a valuable resource when needing to find synonyms or alternative words with similar meanings. Bryan can consult a physical Thesaurus book or use an online Thesaurus tool. By looking up the word "cold" in the Thesaurus, he will find a variety of options that can add more sophistication and nuance to his writing.