James' story - he's the homeless man in Boston who turned in the backpack with the money in it - went viral. So did another recent story about a Dairy Queen manager from Minnesota who stood up for a blind man who didn't know he'd been robbed. What part of speech is "homeless"? (2 points) Responses noun noun adjective adjective adverb adverb verb

The part of speech for "homeless" is adjective.

The part of speech for the word "homeless" in the phrase "homeless man" is an adjective. Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns, and in this case, "homeless" is describing the noun "man." Adjectives provide additional information about the noun they modify. In this context, "homeless" tells us the specific type or condition of the man, indicating that he doesn't have a home.

The part of speech for "homeless" in the sentence would be an adjective.