Write the definition of citizen

A citizen is an individual who is legally recognized as a member of a specific country or state, entitling them to certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities within that community. Citizens typically enjoy political, social, and economic rights, such as the right to vote, access to public services, and protection under the law. They are expected to abide by the laws and regulations of their country, contribute to the welfare of society, and participate in civic duties, ensuring the functioning and development of their nation. Citizenship can be acquired by birth, descent, marriage, or through a legal process known as naturalization. While the specific rights and obligations of citizens may vary among countries, the concept of citizenship represents the belongingness and mutual relationship between an individual and the country they are affiliated with.

A citizen is an individual who holds membership and certain rights in a particular country or nation-state. Citizens have legal and political ties to the country, and their status affords them specific privileges and responsibilities, such as the right to vote, participate in the political process, and receive protection from the government. Citizenship can be acquired by birth within a country (known as birthright citizenship) or through legal processes, such as naturalization.

A citizen is an individual who is legally recognized as a member of a particular country or nation-state and is granted certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities by that country's government. Citizenship generally entails allegiance to the country, the right to live and work there, and the protection of rights and privileges provided by the government.

To find the definition of "citizen," you can refer to reliable sources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, or legal documents. Here's the step-by-step process to get the definition:

1. Open a web browser and go to a reputable online dictionary website or search engine.
2. Type "citizen definition" in the search bar.
3. Click on one of the top results from trusted sources like Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or Cambridge Dictionary.
4. On the dictionary page, the definition will be displayed, usually accompanied by additional information like usage examples or related terms.
5. Read and understand the definition provided to gain a clear understanding of the term "citizen."