Use the passage to answer the question.

As the sound of the doorbell reverbertaed through the hall, she cracked open the door and peered outside. She caught a glimpse of a truck disappearing into the darkness. On the stoop a strange object waited. She took a deep breath, opened the door, and stepped out into the heavy summer air.

Which word best describes the tone of the passage?

a. mysterious
b. cheerful
c. relaxed
d. humorous

a. mysterious

a. mysterious

To determine the best word that describes the tone of the passage, we need to look for clues within the passage itself. In this case, the tone refers to the mood or atmosphere conveyed in the writing.

In the given passage, we see phrases such as "reverberated through the hall," "disappearing into the darkness," and "strange object." These phrases create a sense of mystery and uncertainty, suggesting that the atmosphere is mysterious. Additionally, the use of phrases like "she took a deep breath" and the mention of stepping out into the "heavy summer air" suggests a heightened sense of anticipation or tension.

Therefore, the best word that describes the tone of the passage is a. mysterious.