A student wants to draw a scale model of the solar system. In three to four sentences or bullet points, explain what steps should be taken to create this model (its worth 4 points)

1. Decide on a suitable scale: Determine the ratio between the model and the actual size of the solar system, such as 1 centimeter representing 1 million kilometers.

2. Calculate the sizes and distances: Research and gather accurate data on the sizes and distances of the planets from the Sun. Use this information to scale down their dimensions accordingly.
3. Select materials and measurements: Choose appropriate materials to represent each celestial body, such as balls or Styrofoam cutouts. Use the scale to measure and create the models of the planets and the Sun.
4. Assemble and display: Arrange the models in the correct order, maintaining the proportional distances between each planet. Display the model in a way that allows clear visualization of the solar system's layout, such as on a poster board or a to-scale diagram.

1. Determine the scale: Decide on a suitable scale that allows the student to represent the vast distances in the solar system in a manageable size. For example, using a scale of 1 inch = 1 million miles can make the model more comprehensible.

2. Research and gather data: Gather accurate measurements of the planets' sizes and distances from the Sun. It is essential to use reliable sources, such as NASA or reputable astronomy books, to ensure the model's accuracy.

3. Determine the size of the Sun: Decide on an appropriate size for the Sun that is proportionate to the scale. For example, if using a scale of 1 inch = 1 million miles, the Sun's size should be scaled down accordingly.

4. Create the model: Using materials such as foam balls, clay, or paper mache, create spherical representations of each planet, making sure to scale down their sizes according to the chosen scale. Place the planets in their respective orbits around the Sun, using the accurate distances from the gathered data.

To create a scale model of the solar system, the student can follow these steps:

1. Research and determine the desired scale for the model. For example, one millimeter can represent one million kilometers.
2. Find the relative sizes of the planets. Calculate and convert their diameters using the chosen scale.
3. Choose a suitable location and scale for the model. For instance, a football field can represent the solar system, and the planets can be represented by objects like marbles or balls at the appropriate distances.
4. Calculate and mark the distances between the planets based on the chosen scale. Label each planet and consider adding other important features like the asteroid belt or the Kuiper belt if desired.