Which correctly identifies ways that earthquakes and tsunamis can cause destruction?(1 point)


earthquakes: erosion of beaches
tsunamis: move blocks of land up or down
earthquakes: erosion of beaches tsunamis: move blocks of land up or down

earthquakes: landslides
tsunamis: open up large cracks in Earth’s crust
earthquakes: landslides tsunamis: open up large cracks in Earth’s crust

earthquakes: open up large cracks in Earth’s crust
tsunamis: erosion of beaches
earthquakes: open up large cracks in Earth’s crust tsunamis: erosion of beaches

earthquakes: landslides
tsunamis: move blocks of land up or down

earthquakes: landslides

tsunamis: move blocks of land up or down

The correct response is:

earthquakes: landslides
tsunamis: move blocks of land up or down

The correct response is: earthquakes: landslides tsunamis: move blocks of land up or down.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand how earthquakes and tsunamis can cause destruction.

Earthquakes can result in landslides, leading to the movement of large amounts of soil and rocks downhill. This can cause significant damage to structures and infrastructure in the affected areas.

On the other hand, tsunamis are triggered by underwater earthquakes, and they can cause the movement of blocks of land up or down. When a tsunami occurs, it generates a series of powerful waves that can push or lift land masses, resulting in devastating destruction along coastal regions.

So, earthquakes causing landslides and tsunamis moving blocks of land up or down are the correct ways in which these natural disasters can cause destruction. Therefore, the response "earthquakes: landslides tsunamis: move blocks of land up or down" correctly identifies the ways in which earthquakes and tsunamis can cause destruction.