Which process involves carbon moving directly from the

biosphere into the geosphere? (1 point)
the decomposition of plants on the forest
the weathering of rocks by a river
the eruption of a volcano
the photosynthesis of a plant

The eruption of a volcano involves carbon moving directly from the biosphere into the geosphere.

The process that involves carbon moving directly from the biosphere into the geosphere is the decomposition of plants on the forest floor.

The process that involves carbon moving directly from the biosphere into the geosphere is the weathering of rocks by a river.

To explain how to arrive at this answer, let's first understand what the biosphere and geosphere refer to:

The biosphere includes all living organisms on Earth and the environments they inhabit. It consists of ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, and oceans.

The geosphere, on the other hand, is the solid part of Earth which includes rocks, minerals, and landforms like mountains, valleys, and canyons.

Now, let's analyze the options given:

1. The decomposition of plants on the forest floor: While decomposition does release carbon back into the environment, it is primarily through the process of decomposition that carbon returns to the atmosphere (through the breakdown of organic matter by decomposers like bacteria and fungi).

2. The weathering of rocks by a river: This process involves the mechanical and chemical breakdown of rocks by a river's flowing water. During weathering, minerals in rocks containing carbon can be dissolved or eroded, releasing carbon particles into the water, which can then be transported to the geosphere.

3. The eruption of a volcano: Volcanic eruptions release carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases into the atmosphere, which contributes to the carbon cycle. However, this is not a direct transfer from the biosphere to the geosphere.

4. The photosynthesis of a plant: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into organic compounds (like glucose), thus storing carbon within their tissues. While it changes the distribution of carbon within the biosphere, photosynthesis does not involve direct movement of carbon into the geosphere.

Based on the explanations above, we can conclude that the process which involves carbon moving directly from the biosphere into the geosphere is the weathering of rocks by a river.