When you jump, you exert a pushing force against the ground. Gravity pulls you back down. Why can a person jump higher on the moon than on Earth?(1 point) Responses A person weighs more on the moon than on Earth. A person weighs more on the moon than on Earth. The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth. The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth. A person has less mass on the moon than on Earth. A person has less mass on the moon than on Earth. Pushing forces are stronger on the moon than on Earth.

The correct response is:

The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth.

The correct answer is: The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth.

The correct answer is: "The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth."

When a person jumps, they exert a force against the ground, pushing themselves upward. At the same time, gravity pulls them back down. The height of the jump depends on the balance between these opposing forces.

Gravity is a force that attracts objects toward each other. On Earth, gravity is relatively strong, so it pulls us down with a significant force. This makes it harder to jump higher.

On the other hand, the moon has a weaker gravitational force compared to Earth. Therefore, when a person jumps on the moon, the force pulling them back down is weaker. This allows them to overcome the gravitational pull more easily and jump higher compared to on Earth.

To summarize, since the gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth, a person can jump higher on the moon.