Identify the ratio of plain blue bugs to the total number of bugs. 

It’s 2:10

Without additional information, it is not possible to identify the ratio of plain blue bugs to the total number of bugs. The given information "2:10" possibly represents a ratio but it is unclear what this ratio represents without further context or clarification.

To determine the ratio of plain blue bugs to the total number of bugs, we need to know the number of plain blue bugs and the total number of bugs. However, the information provided ("2:10") does not give us the exact numbers.

If "2:10" represents a ratio, we can simplify it by dividing both sides by their greatest common factor, which is 2. In that case, the simplified ratio would be "1:5".

But without more specific information about the number of plain blue bugs and the total number of bugs, we cannot determine the exact ratio.

To identify the ratio of plain blue bugs to the total number of bugs, we need to know the specific numbers of plain blue bugs and the total number of bugs.

Is there any additional information or a specific scenario that you can provide to help determine the ratio?