Find the square root of 169: √169

1. -13
2. 13, -13
3. 13
4. 84.5

The correct answer is 3. 13.

To find the square root of 169, you can use the square root function or perform it manually. The correct answer is option 3: 13.

Here is the step-by-step calculation:

1. Start with the number 169.
2. Find the two closest perfect squares to 169, which are 144 (12²) and 196 (14²).
3. Since the square root of 169 is between the square roots of 144 and 196, it will be between 12 and 14.
4. Take the average of 12 and 14: (12 + 14)/2 = 13.
5. Test whether 13 is the square root of 169: 13² = 169.
6. Since 169 is indeed equal to 13², the square root of 169 is 13.

To find the square root of 169, √169, you can use either a calculator or manual calculation.

If you want to manually calculate the square root of 169, you can use the traditional method of prime factorization or long division. However, in this case, since 169 is a perfect square, we can proceed with a more straightforward approach.

The correct answer is option 3: 13.

To verify this, you can square 13: 13 * 13 = 169.

Alternatively, if you want to use a calculator, you can simply input √169, and the result will be 13.

So, the square root of 169 is 13.