Subtract 11√9 - 5√19

The difference is __

To subtract 11√9 from 5√19, we need to find the difference between the two terms.

11√9 = 11 * √(3^2) = 11 * 3 = 33

5√19 cannot be simplified further, so it stays as it is.

Subtracting 33 from 5√19 gives us:

5√19 - 33

Therefore, the difference is 5√19 - 33.

To subtract 11√9 - 5√19, we first simplify each square root:

√9 = 3
√19 cannot be simplified any further since it is not a perfect square.

Now we substitute these values into the original equation:

11√9 - 5√19 = 11(3) - 5√19
= 33 - 5√19

Therefore, the difference between 11√9 and 5√19 is 33 - 5√19.

To subtract 11√9 - 5√19, we need to simplify the expression.

First, we need to simplify the square roots.

The square root of 9 is 3 because 3 * 3 = 9.
The square root of 19 is an irrational number, so we cannot simplify it further.

Now, we can substitute the simplified square roots back into the expression:

11√9 - 5√19 = 11(3) - 5√19 = 33 - 5√19.

Therefore, the difference is 33 - 5√19.