Felice lives in a warm climate that maintains dry, arid weather most of the year. She often likes to go camping for several weeks at a time and in order to prepare for these trips, because of the climate where she lives, she often does what to fruits and vegetables before she goes in order to extend their expiration dates?

(1 point)










The correct answer is: dehydrates

To prepare fruits and vegetables for extended camping trips in a warm climate with dry and arid weather, Felice can use different methods to extend their expiration dates. One approach is to can the fruits and vegetables. This involves packing them into jars or containers, then sealing and heating them to create a vacuum seal, which helps preserve the food.

Another method is par-boiling, which involves partially cooking the fruits and vegetables by boiling them briefly. This process helps to break down enzymes that cause spoilage, thereby extending the shelf life.

Dehydrating is another option. This method involves removing water from the fruits and vegetables, which inhibits the growth of bacteria and mold. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables can be enjoyed as snacks during camping trips.

Boiling is not commonly used to extend the expiration dates of fruits and vegetables. However, it can be a step in certain canning or cooking processes to prepare them for storage.