

To calculate -8 multiplied by 453.92, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the absolute values of the numbers:
8 × 453.92 = 3631.36

Step 2: Determine the sign of the result. Since one of the numbers is negative, the final result will be negative.

Step 3: Combine the sign (-) with the calculated result:

Therefore, -8 multiplied by 453.92 equals -3631.36.

To calculate -8 multiplied by 453.92, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the absolute values.
Multiply 8 by 453.92: 8 * 453.92 = 3631.36.

Step 2: Determine the sign.
Since -8 multiplied by a positive number gives a negative value, the answer will be negative.

Step 3: Apply the sign.
Place a negative sign in front of the answer from step 1: -3631.36.

Therefore, -8 multiplied by 453.92 equals -3631.36.