c. The primary oscillator on Explorer 16 is connected between two pins of the Microcontroller. Mention the name/names and the number of those pin.

The primary oscillator on Explorer 16 is connected between pins OSC1 (pin 9) and OSC2 (pin 10) of the Microcontroller.

On the Explorer 16 development board, the primary oscillator is connected between pins OSC1 (RA4) and OSC2 (RA5) of the microcontroller.

To find the name and number of the pins connected to the primary oscillator on the Explorer 16, we need to refer to the documentation or datasheet of the particular microcontroller in question.

1. Identify the Microcontroller: The Explorer 16 is a development board that supports various microcontrollers, so we need to know which microcontroller is being used on the particular Explorer 16 board.

2. Refer to the Microcontroller Datasheet: Once we know the specific microcontroller, we can search for its datasheet. The datasheet contains detailed information about the microcontroller, including pin configurations.

3. Locate the Primary Oscillator Pins: In the datasheet, we need to search for the section that describes the oscillator circuitry and its connection to the microcontroller. Look for keywords such as "oscillator," "crystal," or "clock."

4. Note the Pin Names and Numbers: Within this section, there should be information about the specific pins that are connected to the primary oscillator. The datasheet will list the pin names (e.g., OSC1, OSC2) and their corresponding pin numbers on the microcontroller.

By following these steps and referring to the datasheet of the specific microcontroller used on the Explorer 16 board, you can find the name/names and numbers of the pins connected to the primary oscillator.