“Here, John.” The demon unbuttoned his coat and reached into his pants pocket, but Father shook his head.

“No tip. Happy just to look at horseless.”

The demon stopped and studied Father as you might look at a dog that had suddenly said he was going to the opera. “Well, I'll be damned,” he said. He reached into a pocket of his waistcoat and took out a card, and handed it to Father with a flourish. “I can use honest handymen like you. You come around anytime, you sabe me?”

“Me sabe.” Father nodded.

Laurence Yep

How does the passage show the lack of understanding between white people and Chinese people at this time?

Father does not accept the man’s tip.
Father is glad he is able to look at the horseless.
The man gives Father his business card.
The man is amazed Father would help for free.

The passage shows the lack of understanding between white people and Chinese people at this time by portraying the surprise and confusion of the demon towards Father's actions. The demon is amazed that Father does not accept his tip and offers him his business card, as he cannot comprehend why Father would be willing to help without expecting anything in return. This highlights the cultural differences and expectations between the two groups, indicating a lack of understanding between them.

The passage shows the lack of understanding between white people and Chinese people at this time through the man's surprise and disbelief at Father's refusal of a tip. This demonstrates a lack of understanding on the man's part that Father is not motivated by money and is genuinely happy just to observe the horseless vehicle. The man's reaction, as if he has encountered something unexpected or strange, suggests a lack of comprehension of Father's perspective and values. Therefore, the correct answer is: The man is amazed Father would help for free.

The passage demonstrates the lack of understanding between white people and Chinese people at this time through the following details:

1. Father does not accept the man's tip: This action implies that Father, being Chinese, does not view monetary compensation as necessary or expected for his assistance. However, the white man's attempt to offer a tip suggests that he assumes Father is driven by financial motivation, highlighting a cultural difference in expectations.

2. Father is glad he is able to look at the horseless: Father's response indicates that he is fascinated by the horseless carriage (the "horseless" mentioned in the passage), which was a new technological development at the time. This reaction contrasts with the white man's assumption that Father would only be interested in receiving a tip, failing to recognize his genuine curiosity and appreciation for the horseless carriage.

3. The man gives Father his business card: By giving Father his business card, the man expects to establish a professional association or employment relationship. However, this action can also be seen as a sign of the man's surprise and misunderstanding of Father's intentions. It suggests that he is impressed by Father's willingness to help without expecting compensation and believes Father could be of use to him in some way.

4. The man is amazed Father would help for free: The man's exclamation, "Well, I'll be damned," and his comment on finding honest handymen like Father implies that he finds it extraordinary and unexpected for Father to offer assistance without seeking payment. This indicates a lack of understanding and awareness of Chinese cultural values and practices.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is: The man is amazed Father would help for free.