A number is multiplied by 73 there is result is positive number greater than 73 which of these was multiplied by 73 a number less than 0B a number between one and 0C a number greater than one D0

To address the given options, let's analyze each of them:

A) A number less than 0: If we multiply any number less than 0 by 73, the result will be negative, not positive. Therefore, option A can be eliminated.

B) A number between one and 0: If we multiply any number between 1 and 0 by 73, the result will be less than 73 since the number is less than 1. Therefore, option B can also be eliminated.

C) A number greater than one: If we multiply any number greater than 1 by 73, the result will be greater than 73. Therefore, option C satisfies the conditions.

D) 0: If we multiply 0 by 73, the result will be 0, not a number greater than 73. Therefore, option D can be eliminated.

In conclusion, the correct option is C) a number greater than one.

Let's analyze each option step by step to determine which one was multiplied by 73:

A) A number less than 0: If we multiply any number less than 0 by 73, the result will be negative. However, the question specifies that the result is a positive number greater than 73. So this option can be eliminated.

B) A number between one and 0: If we multiply any number between 0 and 1 by 73, the result will be greater than 0 but less than 73. Therefore, this option can be eliminated.

C) A number greater than one: If we multiply any number greater than 1 by 73, the result will be greater than 73. This option satisfies the condition that the result is a positive number greater than 73.

D) 0: Multiplying 0 by 73 will always result in 0. Thus, this option does not satisfy the condition mentioned in the question.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is option C) a number greater than one.

To determine which of the given options could have been multiplied by a number greater than 73 to result in a positive number greater than 73, we need to compare the given options to each other.

Option A: A number less than 0
Since multiplying any number less than 0 by 73 will produce a negative number, option A cannot be the correct answer.

Option B: A number between one and 0
Similarly, multiplying any number between 1 and 0 by 73 will result in a positive number less than 73. Therefore, option B is not the correct answer.

Option C: A number greater than one
If we multiply a number greater than one by 73, the result will definitely be greater than 73. Option C is a possible correct answer.

Option D: 0
Multiplying 0 by any number, including 73, will always give a product of 0. Therefore, option D is not the correct answer.

Based on our analysis, the correct answer is option C: a number greater than one.