If angle 1 in the picture is R 2^ + what is the measure of angle 3? Why?

(1 point)

O Angle 3 is 117 ^ - because angle 1 and angle 3 form a line

Angle 3 is 63 deg because angle 1 and angle 3 are corresponding angles

Angle 3 is 63 deg because angle 1 and angle 3 are vertical angles

There is not enough information in the figure to establish this

There is not enough information in the figure to establish the measure of angle 3.

Based on the given information, angle 3 is 63 degrees because angle 1 and angle 3 are corresponding angles. Corresponding angles are formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. In this case, angle 1 and angle 3 are on the same side of the transversal and are in corresponding positions with respect to the parallel lines. Therefore, the measure of angle 3 is 63 degrees.

To determine the measure of angle 3, we need to analyze the given information and the relationships between the angles in the figure. Based on the given options, we can evaluate each one:

1. Angle 3 is 117°- This option suggests that angle 3 is supplementary to angle 1 because they form a straight line. However, this information alone is insufficient to determine the measure of angle 3 without additional details.

2. Angle 3 is 63°- This option suggests that angle 3 and angle 1 are corresponding angles. Corresponding angles are formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. However, we cannot determine if the lines in the figure are parallel based on the given information, so we cannot conclude that angle 3 is 63°.

3. Angle 3 is 63°- This option suggests that angle 3 and angle 1 are vertical angles. Vertical angles are formed when two lines intersect. However, without knowing if the lines in the figure intersect, we cannot conclude that angle 3 is 63°.

4. There is not enough information in the figure to establish the measure of angle 3- This option acknowledges the lack of information in the figure to accurately determine the measure of angle 3. Given only the information in the picture, we do not have enough details to determine the measure of angle 3.

In summary, without additional information, we cannot determine the measure of angle 3 in the given figure.