choose which aspects of civilization scholars still have about for the indus valley civilization

Scholars still have several aspects of the Indus Valley Civilization that they continue to study and research. Some significant aspects include:

1. Urban planning and architecture: Scholars have extensively studied the sophisticated urban planning and architectural techniques employed by the Indus Valley Civilization. The layout of cities such as Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, with their well-planned streets, drainage systems, and public buildings, provide valuable insights into their ability to create well-organized urban centers.

2. Writing system: The Indus script, which has not been deciphered yet, remains a subject of interest among scholars. Numerous inscriptions have been found on Indus Valley artifacts, pottery, and seals, but their meaning and purpose remain elusive. Scholars continue to analyze and compare these inscriptions to unlock clues about the written language of this ancient civilization.

3. Trade and economy: The Indus Valley Civilization was economically advanced, and scholars study the extensive trade networks that existed during that time. Excavations have revealed artifacts such as seals and weights, suggesting a well-organized and regulated system of trade. Scholars analyze the distribution of goods, trade routes, economic exchanges, and the role of cities as economic centers.

4. Religion and belief systems: The religious and ritualistic practices of the Indus Valley Civilization are another topic of ongoing research. Scholars study the iconography, figurines, and objects related to religious or spiritual activities found in excavations. The Great Bath at Mohenjo-daro, believed to have had religious significance, is also a point of interest, as it provides insights into their religious rituals and water management practices.

5. Social organization and governance: Scholars strive to understand the system of governance and social structure that existed in the Indus Valley Civilization. By analyzing the layout of cities and examining their social hierarchies, they gain insights into the political and administrative structures of the time. Additionally, the presence of public buildings and the allocation of resources provide clues about communal governance and the social roles within the civilization.

6. Decline and legacy: The reasons behind the decline and eventual collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization remain a topic of scholarly debate. Understanding its decline could help shed light on potential factors that contribute to the rise and fall of ancient civilizations. Additionally, scholars study the legacy of this civilization and its influences on subsequent societies in the Indian subcontinent.

Overall, scholars employ multidisciplinary approaches, including archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, and art history, to continue investigating and unraveling the mysteries surrounding the Indus Valley Civilization.

Scholars have made several significant discoveries and observations about the Indus Valley Civilization. Here are the aspects that have been studied and discussed:

1. Urban Planning: Scholars have found evidence of well-planned cities in the Indus Valley Civilization, such as Mohenjo-daro and Harappa. The cities were designed on a grid pattern with well-defined streets, drainage systems, and organized public and private spaces.

2. Architecture: The Indus Valley Civilization had advanced architectural skills. Scholars have studied the construction techniques used, including the use of bricks made from fired clay, standardized sizes, and uniformity in the layout of houses and public buildings.

3. Writing System: The Indus Valley Civilization had a script that remains undeciphered, known as the Indus script. Scholars have examined the script and studied the inscriptions found on seals, pottery, and other artifacts, but its meaning and language have not been fully understood.

4. Trade and Economy: Scholars have found evidence of trade networks that connected the Indus Valley Civilization with other regions, including Mesopotamia. The discovery of seals with ancient Indus script and artifacts from distant places suggests a well-established trade system.

5. Agriculture and Irrigation: The Indus Valley Civilization relied on intensive agriculture for sustenance. Archaeologists have studied the agricultural practices, including the use of irrigation systems, crop patterns, and domestication of animals.

6. Art and Craftsmanship: Scholars have investigated the art and craftsmanship of the Indus Valley Civilization. They have studied the figurines, pottery, jewelry, and sculptures found at various sites, providing insights into the artistic skills and cultural practices of the civilization.

7. Religion and Beliefs: The Indus Valley Civilization's religious and belief systems remain challenging to interpret. Scholars have examined various artifacts like figurines, seals, and terracotta objects to understand the religious practices and possible deities worshipped during that time.

8. Social Structure: Through analysis of burial sites, artifacts, and city planning, scholars have gained insights into the socio-economic structure of the Indus Valley Civilization. They have identified distinct residential areas, public spaces, possible administrative buildings, and evidence of social differentiation.

It is important to note that the Indus Valley Civilization is still a subject of ongoing research and study, and new discoveries may continue to provide more insights into their civilization.

To determine which aspects of the Indus Valley Civilization scholars still have doubts about, we need to look at the available research and the challenges in studying this ancient civilization.

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, existed from approximately 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE in what is now modern-day Pakistan and northwest India. Despite being one of the earliest urban societies, much about their culture, language, and religion remains mysterious.

Here are a few aspects of the Indus Valley Civilization that scholars still have questions about:

1. Language: The Indus script, which was discovered on numerous seals and tablets, has not yet been deciphered. This makes it challenging to understand their written records and fully grasp their linguistic capabilities.

2. Governance and Political Structure: The exact nature of the political structure of the Indus Valley Civilization is still a subject of debate. Scholars have not been able to identify strong evidence of kings or central authority figures within the archaeological remains.

3. Religion and Belief Systems: The religious practices and belief systems of the Indus Valley Civilization are relatively unknown. While some artifacts, such as terracotta figurines, suggest the presence of deities or ritualistic practices, specific details about their religious beliefs and rituals remain uncertain.

4. Decline and Disappearance: The reasons behind the decline and ultimate disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization are still not fully understood. Theories vary, including factors such as climate change, invasion, tectonic activity, or internal social and economic issues.

To try and gain more knowledge about these aspects, scholars employ various techniques and approaches:

1. Comparative Studies: Researchers compare the artifacts and structures of the Indus Valley Civilization with other ancient civilizations to identify potential links and gain insights into their culture.

2. Archaeological Excavations: Continued excavations at Indus Valley sites help uncover new artifacts and architectural structures. These findings go through meticulous analysis and interpretation to provide a better understanding of the civilization.

3. Advanced Technologies: Scholars use scientific techniques such as DNA analysis, isotope studies, and advanced imaging to extract further information from artifacts, human remains, and other material evidence.

While significant progress has been made in uncovering details about the Indus Valley Civilization, there is still much to learn. Continued research, technological advancements, and interdisciplinary collaboration among scholars can contribute to further unraveling the mysteries of this ancient civilization.