Michigan is the only state that supports lighthouse preservation with a program that includes annual grants from the state to local preservation groups.

1 point



To determine the accuracy of the statement, you can perform a fact-check by researching the lighthouse preservation programs in each state.

Here's how you can find the answer:
1. Open a search engine like Google.
2. Enter a search query like "lighthouse preservation programs by state United States" or "Michigan lighthouse preservation program."
3. Look for credible sources such as government websites, official state tourism websites, or reputable news articles to find information about lighthouse preservation programs in each state.
4. Look specifically for information about annual grants from the state to local preservation groups.

After conducting a search, you will find that the provided statement is indeed true. Michigan has a state-supported lighthouse preservation program that includes annual grants to local preservation groups. Other states may have their own lighthouse preservation programs, but Michigan is recognized for its comprehensive and well-funded approach to lighthouse preservation.