When and why were the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments added to the Constitution?(1 point) Responses The amendments were added after the Revolutionary War in order to protect the rights of all Americans. The amendments were added after the Revolutionary War in order to protect the rights of all Americans. The amendments were added after the Revolutionary War in order to protect the rights of property owners. The amendments were added after the Revolutionary War in order to protect the rights of property owners. The amendments were added after the Civil War in order to protect the rights of Black Americans. The amendments were added after the Civil War in order to protect the rights of Black Americans. The amendments were added after the Civil War in order to protect the rights of female Americans. The amendments were added after the Civil War in order to protect the rights of female Americans.

The amendments were added after the Civil War in order to protect the rights of Black Americans.

The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were added to the Constitution after the Civil War in order to protect the rights of Black Americans.

The correct response is: The amendments were added after the Civil War in order to protect the rights of Black Americans.

To find this answer, you can review your knowledge of American history and the timeline of the amendments. The Revolutionary War occurred before the drafting and ratification of the Constitution, so it cannot be the correct answer. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were added after the Civil War as part of the Reconstruction era. They were specifically aimed at granting rights and protections to formerly enslaved Black Americans.