Your sister is using your credit card to buy tickets on TicketBoss for a Taylor Quick concert. There is a $5.00 transaction fee with each order and tickets cost $55.00.

a) Write a function to describe the situation. Show Your Work

Let's represent the number of tickets purchased as "x". The cost of each ticket is $55.00 and there is a $5.00 transaction fee with each order.

Therefore, the total cost of x tickets can be calculated using the following function:

Total cost = (cost per ticket * number of tickets) + (transaction fee * number of tickets)

Using this formula, we can write the function to describe the situation:

Total cost = (55 * x) + (5 * x)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Total cost = 60x

So, the function to describe the situation is:

f(x) = 60x

b) Evaluate the total cost function if your sister decides to buy seven tickets in a single transaction. Show your work

c) Your credit card statement shows $225.00 transaction from TicketBoss. How tickets did your sister buy? Show your work

b) To evaluate the total cost function for seven tickets in a single transaction, we substitute x = 7 into the equation:

Total cost = 60 * x
Total cost = 60 * 7
Total cost = 420

Therefore, if your sister buys seven tickets in a single transaction, the total cost would be $420.00.

c) To determine how many tickets your sister bought based on the $225.00 transaction shown on your credit card statement, we need to solve the equation:

Total cost = 60 * x
225 = 60 * x

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 60:

x = 225 / 60
x ≈ 3.75

Since the number of tickets must be a whole number, we know that your sister bought either 3 or 4 tickets.

Function: totalCostOfTickets(numberOfTickets)

1. Calculate the total cost of tickets without transaction fees:
- Multiply the number of tickets by the cost of each ticket ($55.00):

totalTicketCost = numberOfTickets * $55.00

2. Calculate the total transaction fee:
- Multiply the total number of tickets by the transaction fee per order ($5.00):

totalTransactionFee = $5.00 * numberOfTickets

3. Calculate the total cost for the tickets including transaction fees:
- Add the total ticket cost and the total transaction fee:

totalCost = totalTicketCost + totalTransactionFee

4. Return the total cost as the result of the function:

return totalCost

This function takes the input numberOfTickets and calculates the total cost (including transaction fees) for buying that number of tickets for the Taylor Swift concert.


def calculate_total_cost(number_of_tickets):

transaction_fee = 5.00
ticket_price = 55.00

total_cost = number_of_tickets * (transaction_fee + ticket_price)

return total_cost

To write a function to describe the situation, we need to consider the two main factors involved - the number of tickets and the cost associated with each ticket.

In this case, there is a $5.00 transaction fee with each order and the tickets themselves cost $55.00.

To calculate the total cost, we need to multiply the number of tickets by the sum of the transaction fee and the ticket price.

The function named `calculate_total_cost` takes in the parameter `number_of_tickets`, representing the number of tickets to be purchased.

Inside the function, we have assigned the transaction fee ($5.00) to the variable named `transaction_fee` and the ticket price ($55.00) to the variable named `ticket_price`.

Then, we calculate the total cost by multiplying the number of tickets by the sum of the transaction fee and the ticket price.

Finally, the calculated total cost is returned by the function.