what rhymes with polio

sholeo, ravioli

what rhymes with polio

olio, toleo, rogelio

Here are a few words that approximate or rhyme with "polio":

1. Trio
2. Prio
3. Scenario
4. Radio
5. Video

Please note that the accuracy of rhyme may vary depending on regional accents and pronunciations.

To find words that rhyme with "polio," you can follow these steps:

1. Make a list of words that end with the same sound as "polio" (in this case, "olio").
2. Use a rhyming dictionary or an online rhyming tool to find words that rhyme with "olio."
3. Cross-check the list of generated words with a standard dictionary or a thesaurus to ensure they are legitimate words and have the desired meaning.

Based on these steps, some words that rhyme with "polio" are:

1. Studio
2. Scenario
3. Portfolio
4. Patio
5. Radio
6. Serio
7. Ontario
8. Rio
9. Mario
10. Trio

Remember to check the meanings and context of these words to ensure they are appropriate for your use.