What aspect is the most important when writing feature stories?

(1 point)

The narrative lead
The narrative lead

The human-interest element
The human-interest element

The action-packed conclusion
The action-packed conclusion

The face or scene lead

The most important aspect when writing feature stories is the human-interest element.

The most important aspect when writing feature stories is the human-interest element.

When writing feature stories, one important aspect to consider is the narrative lead. This refers to how you start your story in a way that engages the readers and hooks their interest. To create a compelling narrative lead, you should focus on grabbing the reader's attention right from the beginning by using an enticing or intriguing opening sentence or paragraph.

Another crucial aspect is the human-interest element. This involves incorporating the human aspect into the story, highlighting the perspectives, experiences, emotions, and personal connections of the individuals involved. By focusing on the human-interest element, you can bring a sense of empathy and relatability to your feature story, making it more engaging for the readers.

Additionally, the action-packed conclusion is vital in keeping readers interested until the end. A compelling conclusion should tie together the various elements of your story, offering a satisfying resolution, or leaving the readers with a thought-provoking or impactful ending. This ensures that your feature story remains memorable and leaves a lasting impression.

Lastly, the face or scene lead is another aspect to consider when writing feature stories. This refers to starting the story with a detailed description of a person or a scene that sets the tone and atmosphere for the rest of the piece. By using vivid imagery and sensory details, you can create a strong visual representation that draws readers into the story.

In summary, all the aspects mentioned - the narrative lead, human-interest element, action-packed conclusion, and the face or scene lead - are key considerations when writing feature stories. Each aspect contributes to creating a captivating and engaging narrative that keeps readers hooked until the end.