If a triangle has a 22° angle and a 46° angle, what can be established about the third angle measure and the type of triangle?(1 point)


The third angle measure is 112°, and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.
The third angle measure is  112 degrees , and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.

The third angle measure is 112°, and the triangle is an acute triangle.
The third angle measure is 112 degrees , and the triangle is an acute triangle.

The third angle measure is 68°, and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.
The third angle measure is 68 degrees , and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.

The third angle measure is 128°, and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.

Answers: 1. The third angle measure is 112°, and the triangle is an obtuse triangle. 2. No, because there needs to be a third angle. 3. acute triangle 4. 52° 5. 38°

The third angle measure is 112°, and the triangle is an obtuse triangle.

Can a triangle have two right angles, and why or why not?(1 point)


No, because there needs to be a third angle.
No, because there needs to be a third angle.

Yes, because it would be a right triangle.
Yes, because it would be a right triangle.

No, because a triangle must have an obtuse angle.
No, because a triangle must have an obtuse angle.

Yes, because 90 + 90 = 180.
Yes, because 90 plus 90 equals 180 .

No, because there needs to be a third angle.

If a triangle has angles measuring 46° , 51° , and 83° , what type of triangle is it?(1 point)


small triangle
small triangle

obtuse triangle
obtuse triangle

acute triangle
acute triangle

right triangle
right triangle

The triangle is an acute triangle.

Use the properties of exterior angles of triangles to find angle b .

(1 point)

232 degrees

52 degrees

38 degrees


To find angle b, we need to use the property that the measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two remote interior angles.

Given that angle b is an exterior angle, and the other two angles in the triangle are not specified, we cannot determine the exact measure of angle b. Therefore, we cannot provide a specific answer from the given options.

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles at vertex I and vertex J ?

(1 point)

128 degrees

52 degrees

38 degrees

142 degrees

The sum of the measures of the interior angles at a vertex in a triangle is always 180 degrees. Therefore, the sum of the measures of the interior angles at vertex I and vertex J is 180 degrees.