What is "mood"?

a the same as tone - the feeling of the author

b the feeling the reader experiences - the atmosphere of the text

Both options a and b are correct. "Mood" refers to the overall feeling or atmosphere created by a text, and it can be described as the emotional response or feeling that the reader experiences while interacting with the text. Additionally, "mood" can also refer to the feeling or underlying emotion that the author conveys through their writing. Hence, it relates to both the feeling of the author and the feeling experienced by the reader.

The correct answer is:

b) the feeling the reader experiences - the atmosphere of the text

Mood refers to the emotional atmosphere or overall feeling that a piece of writing evokes in the reader. It is different from tone, which is the author's attitude or the way they express their ideas. Mood can be influenced by elements such as word choice, imagery, and descriptive language used throughout the text.

The correct answer is b) the feeling the reader experiences - the atmosphere of the text.

Mood refers to the emotional atmosphere or vibe that a reader experiences while reading a text. It is often created through the use of descriptive language, vivid imagery, and the overall tone of the writing.

To identify the mood of a text, you can pay close attention to the descriptive words and phrases used by the author. Look for words that evoke certain emotions or create a specific atmosphere. Consider the overall tone of the writing, whether it is happy, sad, suspenseful, or any other emotion. Analyze the setting and events described in the text, as they can also contribute to the overall mood.

By analyzing these elements, you can get a sense of the feeling or atmosphere that the author is trying to convey, and consequently, the mood that readers are likely to experience.