in the following four assessment items choose the sentence in which the appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly?

A) This trip, the result of an election bet, took ten days.
B) This trip the result, of an election bet, took ten days.

The sentence in which the appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly is A) This trip, the result of an election bet, took ten days.

The sentence in which the appositive or appositive phrase is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly is:

A) This trip, the result of an election bet, took ten days.

To determine which sentence has the appositive or appositive phrase essential to the sentence and correctly punctuated, we need to understand what an appositive is and how it should be used.

An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames or identifies another noun or pronoun. It provides additional information about the noun or pronoun it is modifying. Appositives can be essential or non-essential to the sentence.

Essential appositives are necessary for the meaning of the sentence. They are not set off by commas. Non-essential appositives, on the other hand, provide additional but not necessary information. They are set off by commas.

Now let's analyze the two sentences:

A) This trip, the result of an election bet, took ten days.
B) This trip the result, of an election bet, took ten days.

In Sentence A, the appositive phrase "the result of an election bet" is set off by commas, indicating that it is non-essential information. The sentence would still make sense without it: "This trip took ten days."

In Sentence B, there are no commas to set off the phrase "the result, of an election bet." As a result, it is unclear how the phrase is intended to function within the sentence. It is also likely that the phrase is incorrectly punctuated, as it seems to be missing a connecting word between "result" and "of." This sentence may need revision for clarity and correct punctuation.

Therefore, the sentence that has the appositive or appositive phrase that is essential to the sentence and punctuated correctly is A) This trip, the result of an election bet, took ten days.