A field of 3.9 mi' is being subdivided into 1.3 x 10° family gardens. How many square miles will there be in each garden? Write the answer in scientitic notation.

To find the number of square miles in each garden, we need to divide the total area of the field by the number of gardens.

The total area of the field is 3.9 mi'.

The number of gardens is 1.3 x 10°.

To divide the total area by the number of gardens, we can divide the numbers and subtract the exponents:

(3.9 mi') / (1.3 x 10°) = (3.9 / 1.3) x (10°)

Calculating the division, we get: 3.9 / 1.3 = 3.

So, there will be 3 square miles in each garden.

The answer in scientific notation is 3 x 10° square miles.

To find out the square miles in each garden, you need to divide the total area of the field by the number of gardens.

The area of the field is given as 3.9 square miles (3.9 mi²), and there are 1.3 x 10² family gardens.

To calculate the square miles in each garden, you can divide the total area by the number of gardens:

3.9 mi² / (1.3 x 10²) = 3.9 mi² / 130 = 0.03 mi²

The result is 0.03 square miles. To write this in scientific notation, you would express it as:

3.0 x 10^-2 mi²

To find the number of square miles in each garden, we need to divide the total area of the field by the number of gardens.

To do this, we can use the formula:
number of square miles in each garden = total area of the field / number of gardens

First, let's convert the area of the field to square miles, since it is currently in square meters. Since there are 640 acres in one square mile, we can convert as follows:

1 square mile = 640 acres
1 acre = 43,560 square feet
1 square mile = 640 * 43,560 square feet
1 square mile = 27,878,400 square feet

Now, let's convert the field area from square feet to square miles. Since there are 5280 feet in one mile, we can convert as follows:

1 square mile = (27,878,400 square feet) / (5280 feet/mile)^2
1 square mile = (27,878,400 square feet) / (5280^2 square feet)
1 square mile ≈ (27,878,400 square feet) / (27,878,400 square feet)
1 square mile = 1

Therefore, the total area of the field is 1 square mile.

Next, we need to divide the total area of the field by the number of gardens:

number of square miles in each garden = 1 square mile / (1.3 x 10° family gardens)

To simplify, we can express 1.3 x 10° in scientific notation.

1.3 x 10° = 1.3

So, the number of square miles in each garden is 1 square mile divided by 1.3:

number of square miles in each garden = 1 square mile / 1.3

Calculating this, we get:

number of square miles in each garden ≈ 0.7692 square miles

Therefore, the answer in scientific notation would be approximately 7.692 x 10^-1 square miles.