8. The __________ of the word "ambiguous" can be found using a dictionary. There are more than one answer, you may choose multipul


c) pronunciation
c) pronunciation

b) spelling
b) spelling

a) definition
a) definition

e) None of the above
e) None of the above

d) anonyms and synonyms

a) definition

d) antonyms and synonyms

The correct answer is:

a) definition

The correct answer to find the pronunciation, spelling, definition, and synonyms and antonyms of the word "ambiguous" is given as:

c) pronunciation
b) spelling
a) definition
d) synonyms and antonyms

To find the pronunciation, you can refer to a dictionary that provides phonetic transcriptions or audio recordings of the word. This will guide you on how to pronounce the word.

For spelling, you can also consult a dictionary or use spelling-check tools such as spell-checkers on word processing software.

To find the definition, you can refer to a dictionary or use online resources like dictionary websites or apps. These sources will provide you with the meaning and usage of the word.

To find synonyms and antonyms, you can again use a dictionary or a thesaurus. These resources contain lists of words that have similar or opposite meanings to the given word.

So, the correct answer in this case would be:

c) pronunciation
b) spelling
a) definition
d) synonyms and antonyms