8. The __________ of the word "ambiguous" can be found using a dictionary. Select more than one answer.


c) pronunciation
c) pronunciation

b) spelling
b) spelling

a) definition
a) definition

e) None of the above
e) None of the above

d) anonyms and synonyms

a) definition

The correct options for the word "ambiguous" can be found using a dictionary are:

a) definition
b) spelling

To find the __________ of the word "ambiguous," you would need to consult a dictionary. The options provided are:

a) definition: This option is correct. Dictionaries provide definitions that explain the meaning of a word, including its senses and usage.

b) spelling: This option is incorrect. Spellings of words can be found in a dictionary, but it is not specific to the __________ of the word.

c) pronunciation: This option is correct. Dictionaries often include pronunciation guides, which provide the correct way to say a word.

d) synonyms and antonyms: This option is incorrect. While dictionaries may include synonyms and antonyms of a word, it is not specific to the __________ of the word.

e) None of the above: This option is incorrect. Options a) and c) are correct.