What was John Brown’s goal in raiding the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia?(1 point)


To garner support for popular sovereignty
To garner support for popular sovereignty

To make the South secede from the Union
To make the South secede from the Union

To initiate an armed slave revolt
To initiate an armed slave revolt

To join the battle for states’ rights

To initiate an armed slave revolt

The correct answer is:

To initiate an armed slave revolt

John Brown's goal in raiding the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia was to initiate an armed slave revolt. To find this answer, you can consult historical sources such as books, articles, or online resources that discuss John Brown and his actions at Harpers Ferry. These sources will provide insights into John Brown's beliefs and motivations, including his aim to incite enslaved individuals to rise up against their oppressors. By studying reliable historical accounts, you can gain a better understanding of Brown's goals and the historical context in which the raid took place.