Which characteristics best describe the northern and southern economies in the early to mid-1800s? Select the correct description to the section of the country.(2 points)

North South
Agrarian & enslaved labor
North – Agrarian & enslaved labor
South – Agrarian & enslaved labor
Industrialized & wage labor
North – Industrialized & wage labor
South – Industrialized & wage labor

North – Industrialized & wage labor

South – Agrarian & enslaved labor

The correct answer is:

North - Industrialized & wage labor
South - Agrarian & enslaved labor

The correct description for the northern economy in the early to mid-1800s is "Industrialized & wage labor." To arrive at this answer, one must understand the economic activities that were prevalent in the northern states during this period.

In the early to mid-1800s, the northern states were undergoing rapid industrialization. The industrial revolution had taken hold in this region, leading to the growth of factories, textile mills, and other manufacturing industries. The northern economy was characterized by the use of machinery, factory production, and wage labor. Workers were employed in factories and were paid wages for their labor.

In contrast, the southern economy during this period was primarily agrarian and relied heavily on enslaved labor. The southern states depended heavily on cash crops such as cotton, tobacco, and rice, which required large amounts of labor to cultivate and harvest. Enslaved African Americans were used as the main source of labor in the southern plantations.

Therefore, the correct description for the southern economy in the early to mid-1800s is "Agrarian & enslaved labor." This reflects the reliance on agriculture as the main economic activity and the use of enslaved labor for agricultural work.