What is the value of the digit 7 in the number 43.07?

The value of the digit 7 in the number 43.07 is 7/100 or 0.07.

To determine the value of the digit 7 in the number 43.07, we need to look at the place value of the digit. In this case, the digit 7 is in the hundredths place.

In the decimal number system, the place value to the right of the decimal point is in descending order: tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and so on.

So, the digit 7 in the number 43.07 has a value of 7 hundredths (0.07).

To find the value of the digit 7 in the number 43.07, we need to understand place value. Each digit in a number represents a different place value, such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.

In the number 43.07, the digit 7 is in the hundredths place. The place values to the right of the decimal point are tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and so on. So, the digit 7 in the number 43.07 represents 7 hundredths.

To get the value of the digit 7, we divide it by the place value it represents. In this case, since it is in the hundredths place, we divide it by 0.01 (because 1 hundredth is equal to 0.01).

So, the value of the digit 7 in the number 43.07 is 7 divided by 0.01, which is equal to 700.

Therefore, the value of the digit 7 in the number 43.07 is 700.