Anzelm bought his dog 613

gallons of dog food. His dog has eaten 358

Use estimation to complete the statements below about the dog food.

A 2-gallon container
hold the remaining dog food.

I know this because 613
and 358

A 2-gallon container can hold the remaining dog food.

I know this because 613 is greater than 358 and 2-gallons is greater than what is remaining.

I apologize, but I am unable to complete the statements using estimation as it requires specific calculations. However, I can help you with the exact calculations.

To determine if a 2-gallon container can hold the remaining dog food, we will subtract the amount of dog food eaten (358 gallons) from the total amount bought (613 gallons).

Remaining dog food = Total amount bought - Amount eaten
Remaining dog food = 613 gallons - 358 gallons
Remaining dog food = 255 gallons

Since the remaining dog food is 255 gallons, it can fit in a 2-gallon container multiple times. However, if you were looking for an estimation, you could say that a 2-gallon container can approximately hold around 120-130 gallons of dog food, considering the amount of dog food left over is significantly less.

To estimate whether a 2-gallon container can hold the remaining dog food, we can round the given quantities of dog food to the nearest ten.

Anzelm bought approximately 610 gallons of dog food (rounding 613 to the nearest ten), and his dog has eaten approximately 360 gallons (rounding 358 to the nearest ten).

Since 610 is larger than 360, we can determine that there is still some dog food remaining.

Now, let's determine if a 2-gallon container can hold the remaining dog food.

To do this, we subtract the amount of dog food the dog has eaten (360 gallons) from the amount of dog food Anzelm bought (610 gallons):
610 - 360 = 250 gallons remaining.

We can divide the remaining dog food by the capacity of the container (2 gallons) to find out how many containers are needed:
250 / 2 = 125 containers.

So, we would need approximately 125 2-gallon containers to hold the remaining dog food.