When you were born, you weighed 9 3/16

pounds. Your sister weighed 5 5/16
pounds. What is the difference in your birth weights?

To find the difference in birth weights, you subtract the weight of your sister from your weight:

9 3/16 pounds - 5 5/16 pounds

First, find a common denominator for the fractions, which is 16:

9 3/16 pounds = (9 * 16 + 3)/16 = 147/16 pounds
5 5/16 pounds = (5 * 16 + 5)/16 = 85/16 pounds

Now, subtract the weights:

147/16 pounds - 85/16 pounds

= (147 - 85)/16

= 62/16 pounds

= 3 14/16 pounds

So, the difference in birth weights is 3 14/16 pounds, which simplifies to 3 7/8 pounds.

To find the difference in your birth weights, subtract your sister's birth weight from your own birth weight.

First, convert the mixed fractions to improper fractions:
- Your birth weight: 9 3/16 pounds = (9 * 16 + 3)/16 = 147/16 pounds
- Your sister's birth weight: 5 5/16 pounds = (5 * 16 + 5)/16 = 85/16 pounds

Now, subtract your sister's birth weight from your own birth weight:
147/16 pounds - 85/16 pounds = (147 - 85)/16 = 62/16 = 3 14/16 pounds

Therefore, the difference in your birth weights is 3 14/16 pounds.

To find the difference in birth weights, we need to subtract your sister's birth weight from your birth weight.

Your birth weight is given as 9 3/16 pounds. To subtract mixed numbers, we have to first convert them to improper fractions.

To convert 9 3/16 to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (9) by the denominator (16) and add it to the numerator (3). Then we put the sum over the denominator.

9 * 16 + 3 = 147
So, 9 3/16 as an improper fraction is 147/16 pounds.

Similarly, your sister's birth weight is given as 5 5/16 pounds. Converting it to an improper fraction:

5 * 16 + 5 = 85
So, 5 5/16 as an improper fraction is 85/16 pounds.

Now we can subtract the two weights:

147/16 - 85/16 = (147 - 85)/16 = 62/16.

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2:

62/16 = (2 * 31) / (2 * 8) = 31/8

Therefore, the difference in your birth weights is 31/8 pounds.