The graph below shows a car’s motion.

Which statement is true?

(1 point)

The total time spent was 45 minutes.
The total time spent was 45 minutes.

The car traveled back to its starting point.
The car traveled back to its starting point.

The car never slowed down.
The car never slowed down.

The car’s speed was not constant.

The car’s speed was not constant.

Based on the graph, the statement "The car’s speed was not constant" is true.

To analyze the graph and determine which statement is true, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Read the graph: Look at the x-axis (horizontal axis) to see the time intervals and the y-axis (vertical axis) to see the corresponding position or distance.

2. Identify the starting and ending points: Locate the points where the car's position on the graph is the same. This will represent the start and end of the car's motion.

3. Calculate the total time spent: Determine the time interval between the starting and ending points. Subtract the starting time from the ending time to find the total time spent.

4. Determine if the car traveled back to its starting point: Compare the starting and ending positions on the graph. If they are the same, then the car traveled back to its starting point.

5. Assess if the car slowed down: Observe the slope of the graph. If the slope changes, it indicates a change in speed. Check if there are any regions on the graph where the slope is different, which would imply a change in speed.

6. Evaluate if the car's speed was constant: Analyze the graph for any regions where the slope is constant (a straight line). If there are no straight lines, or if the slope changes at any point, then the car's speed was not constant.

By following these steps, you will be able to determine the true statement based on the graph provided.