The graph shows a bicycle rider's motion during the first portion of a race.

What conclusion can be drawn about the rider's motion in the provided graph?

(1 point)

The rider did not move during the time period between 10 and 15 seconds
The rider did not move during the time period between 10 and 15 seconds

The rider maintained a constant speed during the time period between 0 and 20 seconds.
The rider maintained a constant speed during the time period between 0 and 20 seconds.

The rider slowed down during the time period between 15 and 20 seconds.
The rider slowed down during the time period between 15 and 20 seconds.

The rider rode downhill during the time period between 15 and 20 seconds.

The rider maintained a constant speed during the time period between 0 and 20 seconds.

Based on the information provided, the conclusion that can be drawn about the rider's motion in the graph is that the rider maintained a constant speed during the time period between 0 and 20 seconds.

To analyze the graph and draw a conclusion about the rider's motion, follow these steps:

1. Examine the x-axis of the graph to understand the time period being portrayed.

2. Look at the y-axis of the graph to understand the motion being measured (e.g., distance, speed, etc.).

3. Analyze the graph itself:

- If the graph is a straight horizontal line, it indicates that the rider maintained a constant motion.

- If the graph is a straight vertical line, it indicates that the rider did not move.

- If the graph slopes upwards, it suggests the rider was moving in the positive direction (e.g., uphill or increasing speed).

- If the graph slopes downwards, it suggests the rider was moving in the negative direction (e.g., downhill or decreasing speed).

Based on the provided options:

The rider did not move during the time period between 10 and 15 seconds: There is no evidence to support this conclusion, as the graph does not show a vertical line during that time period. Thus, this option can be eliminated.

The rider maintained a constant speed during the time period between 0 and 20 seconds: The graph shows a straight horizontal line during this time period, indicating that the rider maintained a constant speed. This option aligns with the graph and can be considered as a valid conclusion.

The rider slowed down during the time period between 15 and 20 seconds: There is no direct evidence on the graph to support this conclusion. The graph does not show a noticeable change in slope during this time period. Therefore, this option is less likely.

The rider rode downhill during the time period between 15 and 20 seconds: The graph does not indicate any downward slope during this time period, so this option can be dismissed as an inaccurate conclusion.

Based on the analysis, the conclusion that can be drawn is "The rider maintained a constant speed during the time period between 0 and 20 seconds."