The Venn diagram represents the relationship among subsets of real numbers: rational numbers, irrational numbers, integers, whole numbers, and natural numbers. Use the Venn diagram to determine which statements are true. (Choose 3)

A Some irrational numbers are integers.
B All rational numbers are integers.
C Some rational numbers are whole numbers.
D Some, but not all, natural numbers are rational numbers.
E All rational and irrational numbers are real numbers.
F Rational numbers and irrational numbers have no numbers in common.

The correct statements are:

C Some rational numbers are whole numbers.
D Some, but not all, natural numbers are rational numbers.
E All rational and irrational numbers are real numbers.


A Some irrational numbers are integers: This statement is false. In the Venn diagram, the sets for irrational numbers and integers do not overlap, indicating that there are no numbers that are both irrational and integers.

B All rational numbers are integers: This statement is false. The set for rational numbers includes both integers and non-integers, so not all rational numbers are integers.

C Some rational numbers are whole numbers: This statement is true. The set for whole numbers is a subset of the set for rational numbers, indicating that there are rational numbers that are also whole numbers.

D Some, but not all, natural numbers are rational numbers: This statement is true. The set for natural numbers is a subset of the set for rational numbers, indicating that there are natural numbers that are also rational numbers. However, not all natural numbers are rational numbers, as there are irrational numbers as well.

E All rational and irrational numbers are real numbers: This statement is true. In the Venn diagram, the sets for rational, irrational, and real numbers overlap, indicating that all rational and irrational numbers are also real numbers.

F Rational numbers and irrational numbers have no numbers in common: This statement is false. The sets for rational and irrational numbers overlap, indicating that there are numbers that are both rational and irrational. However, this overlap is only for some numbers, as there are also rational and irrational numbers that are not shared.

Based on the information provided by the Venn diagram, we can determine which statements are true.

A. Some irrational numbers are integers.
FALSE. The Venn diagram shows that integers and irrational numbers are completely separate subsets. Therefore, there are no irrational numbers that are also integers.

B. All rational numbers are integers.
FALSE. The Venn diagram shows that there is an area where rational numbers and integers overlap. However, this does not mean that all rational numbers are integers. They can overlap, but they are not the same.

C. Some rational numbers are whole numbers.
TRUE. The Venn diagram shows that there is an area where rational numbers and whole numbers overlap. This means that there are rational numbers that are also whole numbers.

D. Some, but not all, natural numbers are rational numbers.
TRUE. The Venn diagram shows that there is an area where natural numbers and rational numbers overlap. This means that some natural numbers are also rational numbers. However, it is not the case that all natural numbers are rational numbers.

E. All rational and irrational numbers are real numbers.
TRUE. The Venn diagram shows that the subsets of rational numbers and irrational numbers are both within the larger subset of real numbers. This means that all rational and irrational numbers are indeed real numbers.

F. Rational numbers and irrational numbers have no numbers in common.
FALSE. The Venn diagram shows that there is an area where rational numbers and irrational numbers overlap. Therefore, some numbers can be both rational and irrational, such as the square root of 2, which is both rational and irrational simultaneously.

In summary, the statements that are true based on the Venn diagram are:

- Some rational numbers are whole numbers.
- Some, but not all, natural numbers are rational numbers.
- All rational and irrational numbers are real numbers.

To determine which statements are true, we can analyze the relationships shown in the Venn diagram.

First, let's understand the definitions of the given subsets:
1. Rational numbers: Numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
2. Irrational numbers: Numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
3. Integers: Includes both positive and negative whole numbers, along with zero.
4. Whole numbers: Includes positive integers and zero.
5. Natural numbers: Positive integers (excluding zero).

Now, let's analyze each statement:

A. Some irrational numbers are integers.
Looking at the Venn diagram, since integers are represented as a subset within irrational numbers, this statement is true.

B. All rational numbers are integers.
Based on the Venn diagram, there is no overlap between the rational numbers and integers. Therefore, this statement is false.

C. Some rational numbers are whole numbers.
Since whole numbers are represented as a subset within rational numbers, this statement is true.

D. Some, but not all, natural numbers are rational numbers.
From the Venn diagram, natural numbers are not represented as a subset within rational numbers. Thus, some natural numbers may be rational, but not all. This statement is true.

E. All rational and irrational numbers are real numbers.
In the Venn diagram, rational numbers and irrational numbers are represented as completely overlapping subsets within real numbers. Therefore, all elements of rational numbers and irrational numbers are also real numbers. This statement is true.

F. Rational numbers and irrational numbers have no numbers in common.
From the Venn diagram, we can see that the rational and irrational numbers overlap, indicating that they do share some common elements. This statement is false.

Therefore, the three true statements are:
1. Some irrational numbers are integers (A)
2. Some rational numbers are whole numbers (C)
3. Some, but not all, natural numbers are rational numbers (D)